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Did you know a third of all food produced globally goes in the bin?  We redistribute surplus food from shops and supermarkets which is otherwise destined for landfill, reducing food waste and unnecessary food production. This is dignified community food provision, for everyone, and is tackling climate change. But it's not just about the food - many really come for the human contact, and we encourage people to stay for a cup of tea and a chat. It is a friendly and inclusive space.


Since opening up a membership system in December 2022, we have now signed up over 1000 members from over 400 households. People from across Renfrewshire and North Ayrshire are now using this service.


We're open four days a week and we deliver parcels to anyone who can't make it down in person, on request. You can get in touch by emailing us at or messaging us via Facebook.


Membership to the Larder is free, and it doesn't matter where you live - all are welcome. Our community fridges and freezers are accessible 24/7 to our members and you'll receive the code for the keypad when you sign up.




The Pantry cabin is open at the following times:


Monday 12.00 - 1.30 pm

Tuesday 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

Thursday 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

Saturday 10.30 am - 12.00 pm




Tel: 0300 772 7032

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You can find us at Lochhead Gardens, Lochhead Avenue, Lochwinnoch, PA12 4AW. This site is leased by Lochwinnoch Community Development Trust.

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Volunteer - Angela O'Neill

Angela is a retired peadiatric nurse who has carried out volunteering all her life. Angela joined the Larder volunteering team in September 2021 and instantly got behind us in a big way. Angela takes the lead in different projects including fundraising, and always rallies support from the wider community. Having now completed her level 2 Food Hygiene, Angela is scheduled to complete Mental Health and Wellbeing Supporter training, and is also undertaking a course in Community Development. Angela's contribution to our project has been massive - she is an integral part of our team and we're so grateful to have her!

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 Volunteer - Maura Richmond

Maura has worked within Lochwinnoch Community for many years and has worked at Lochwinnoch Primary school as well as serving as our lollipop lady. Maura started volunteering for the Community Larder in September 2021 and has became a key member of the team. 


Maura's warm personality and brilliant people skills have made her a great ambassador for our project. Maura always takes time to listen and chat to our Service Users and understands that what many come for is human contact as much as the food. 


Maura has built strong relationships with the rest of the volunteers and always brings cheer and positive energy to her shifts. Thank you Maura!

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 Volunteer - Jean Fulton

Jean moved to Lochwinnoch from Bridge of Weir three years ago, but she has been connected to the village all her life after attending Lochwinnoch Primary School and growing up on a farm locally. A community-minded person, Jean also volunteers as a befriender at Quarriers and she joined the Larder team in October 2021. Since then, Jean has become instrumental in our daily operations volunteering twice a week and picking up extra tasks like taking any stale bread to Hessilhead for us. 


Popular with our Service Users, Jean is brilliant at welcoming people and she works really hard to keep us organised. We are very lucky to have Jean in our team. 

 Partners & Sponsors

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